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Fusionware Featured in Produce Business

Fusionware customer and trusted business NoKota Packers was featured in the October edition of Produce Business magazine. About them, Sandy Lindblad Lee had this to say:

At the NoKota headquarters in Buxton, the company has installed new software, Fusionware, to stay ahead of its competition. Olsen explains Fusionware “is more produce-friendly and more streamlined for tracking sales and trucks. It provides increased accuracy in traceability and provides more convenience off-site.”

Featuring packaging options of all sizes, Associated Potato Growers claims to offer quality standards that set it apart from the competition. APGI’s Dolan notes, “We are the only company in the Valley that is now 100-percent GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) certified.” He explains all 15 of APGI’s growers have completed this intensive and expensive process, which ranks at the top of food safety compliance certifications.

Read the full article herehttps://www.producebusiness.com/a-river-runs-through-it/

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