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Shay Myers Makes Packer 25 for 2020

Fusionware customer Shay Myers of Owyhee Produce was recently featured as one of The Packer’s “Packer 25” honorees. Shay has become famous for his outreach to general consumers through TikTok, filming videos of the production, storage, and transportation involved in running a large-scale farm.

From Ashley Nickle via The Packer:

Myers has had a rising profile in the produce industry in recent years as his short videos for social media have gained a significant following. The videos feature Myers discussing different aspects of growing, harvesting and packing onions, covering a wide spate of topics, even ones that might be perceived as sensitive, like pesticides.
Because he’s confident in the company’s practices and stewardship, Myers has no problem explaining to anyone who will listen how the company farms and why, and he wants more people to learn about agriculture so they can understand the work that goes into it.

Packer 25 2020 – Shay Myers

Fusionware is proud to be a long-term solution for Owyhee Produce for traceability and integrity in agriculture. Congratulations Shay!

Read the full article here. https://www.thepacker.com/article/packer-25-2020-shay-myers

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