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Fusionware Featured in Culterra Capital 2021 Supply Chain Landscape

Fusionware is proud to be featured in “Delivering the Goods: Our 2021 Food Supply Chain Tech Predictions,” issued by Culterra Capital. Fusionware was highlighted for its contributions in first mile and producer/order management.

From the article:

Post-Harvest Digitalization: The First Mile Paradox
The activities that occur within the first mile, from initial harvest to processing, represent the most important predictors of fresh/perishable food quality and shelf life. Thus it should come as no surprise that there are a pair of big, macro trends that are fundamentally dependent on improving digitalization within the first mile: food waste and traceability.

From pre-harvest planning and yield forecasting, to producer management and payments, to load logistics and temperature monitoring, to grading, sorting and cooling, the activities involved in the first mile have far-reaching consequences for food quality, safety and waste. Yet for all the well-orchestrated logistics (phone calls, texts, dispatchers, print-outs and excel schedules), not to mention intensity of labor, it remains the least digitized pillar of the food supply chain.

We continue to see expanded pressure on fresh / perishable suppliers to adapt to the dynamic demands of buyers, which include increasing the speed of delivery, decreasing waste, real time inventory visibility and traceability of products. However the widely-used legacy recordkeeping systems (some digital, some not) have struggled to keep pace with advancements in data sharing through APIs, mobility and cloud infrastructure.

The full article can be found here.

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