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Fusionware Release Notes 9.15.2021

New Features

  • Credit Limit Stop | When creating an order, if a customer is past their set credit limit, we can now enable a feature that will not allow creation of the order.
  • Scale Integration | We have added an enhanced way to integrate with both receiving scales and production scales inside of fusionware. We can now grab the data directly from the scale and read it into the system eliminating any typos and/or misreadings. (There are some limitations to this functionality but we have found we can talk to most scales) 
  • Bulk Receiving PO’s | We have added the ability to receive bulk raw goods from a Purchase Order. In the past, it was only possible to receive unfinished goods as inventory on the floor.
  • Receive Packaging via Purchase Order | When creating a purchase order inside of the system, you can now add a Product with a type of packaging to the order. This then allows us to create the packaging inventory on receiving of the purchase order into the warehouse/receiving location.
  • Macropoint Integration | We have added Macropoint integration into the fusionware system. If you are currently using macropoint or would like to in the future. Reach out to us and see what it would take to get this feature turned on for you.

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